Tuesday, January 22, 2013

rough reel

Here is the mockup of the reel, without timing. Please scrub through to make any comments on order of content, and vis dev artists examine your portions to see how you can tailor your spreads to enhance eye trace. Let us know if there's any content we left out that you believe would enhance the reel.

GUYS THE VIDEO WASN'T LOADING...... I posted it to the server BFA>16 Final UL project> Group3> Reel Mock up.


  1. It's super fast, but it's awesome so far!

  2. The server is being a jerk and not connecting for some reason, so I can't see it D:

  3. hit space bar after you placed your cursor on the video, it'll do a preview of the video, you don't have to open it up. It's a good reel. I think the space bar thing only works for Mac.
