Friday, January 4, 2013

Char stuff

 Hi guys, hope you're having a good break. Just wanted some feedback on some things I've been working on. Since the teachers felt the characters weren't 80s enough, I've been focusing on trying to get that right without making it look too crazy. Which is a fine line when it comes to the 80s...So here are some outfits to choose from for the chars. Since we pretty much decided on the char's proportions and body shapes already, these are mainly for outfits and hair to show the teachers that we tried big hair and such. I talked to them after the final and they said there was no big hair so I should try it because that was one important thing about 80s fashion. Though we pretty much decided Shannon will have short hair, unless you guys see another style below you like better. I have reference for everything so we can show them callouts if they doubt the 80-ness of something.

 Personally for Don, I like 2, 5, and 6. I think Don having spiked hair might be kind of pointless since it will be raining on him all the time. Plus Don doesn't strike me as someone who would care enough to get up everyday to do his hair. So a shag style like in 6 might be best for him. What do you guys think?

 It was hard to do outfits for Jack so that's why there are less...Thomas said our older design looked like he was from Northern Europe in the 1800s >.> Lucie did research so I thought that comment was weird. So I tried to "update" his clothes more so it still makes sense that he's old, but would maybe fit in with the 80s more. Also the head turnaround is for Jayson to model from. Let me know if I did it right, or if you need more info. I have a feeling it might be too loose.

 It was easy to do outfits for Shannon. There was a lot more info on female 80s fashion. And below I did a color test to try to figure out how to render the chars. I'm thinking something like this, but a little tighter, with less lines, but still using the hatching marks that Kley uses. Would everyone be okay with that? We don't have to go with this design either, I just wanted to test out my idea.
I have a lot of other drawings I did but our scanner here isn't working for some reason so I will try to find another way to show you guys. Sorry this is so wordy lol Just a lot of stuff I've been thinking about over the break so far. Also, I have been trying to think of some music we can possibly use for the reel. I have a few songs in mind, but here is one I think would work really well. It sounds like a storm building, has a piano in it, but isn't so literal as straight piano music.


  1. Hey Joelle, I like Don's number 6 design because he looked mellow and down. I also love 5 and 2. I like the blond version so I would choose 5. It seems that you've made Shannon a bit cuter than the other version. I like Shannon's face with the other version better unless you're changing it for the cartoony design. For Shannon's outfit, I think that long pink sock looks like she's going to go and work out after the piano lesson because those are workout costumes. I prefer these socks more.,r:29,s:0,i:187

    Jack's body looks equal in his leg and stomach length if you're going for cartoon design but if you're sticking with realism then it is fine. I would push the gestures for Jack more to look like Kley's style. =)

    1. Thanks Dang Haha I guess that's true about the legwarmers, however that's what girls wore, whether they were going to work out or not. Shannon's face will probably be more like the older one. I was just testing out painting on the one that I posted, and I like I said, we don't have to go with that outfit either. I just picked one to test coloring. Though I think we were going for semi realism with the chars because realism isn't fun to design lol They will be more gestural in their renders and turn arounds. I wanted the outfits to be clear in these so we can choose something. If I don't hear from others I'm just going to pick and if the teachers hate the chars then

  2. Cool! I really like your Shannon design! It's very appealing. :)

    For Don, I really like 6 and 2! The flannel in 2 just feels nice and nonchalant, but maybe that's just because I like the grunge look, heheh.

    Cool Grandpa Jack costumes! My favorite is #4... but maybe that one feels the least 80s. The logo shirt in #1 is good, because there is no question he is from the late 20th century. :)

  3. Hey Joelle! I really like these designs. I like drawings 3 and 5 of Don. I feel as though number 3 captures his angsty attitude in the pose. I also like how number 5 looks grungy, but it isn't as played up as the rest of the designs. It's very subtle.

    I really like the shape of Grandpa Jack, but I feel as though the clothing he wears are a bit too hip for an old man. I think maybe his clothing needs to feel baggier and a bit more out of style. Like he used to be taller in his prime but kinda shrunk down and now his clothes don't really fit too well. When I see his shape I think of Danny Davito.

    As for Shannon, I really like the first design, such as the flowery pink colored sweater, but I think I'd like to see her with shorter hair.

  4. Nice work Joelle!

    For Don, I really like 2 - it feels grungy, but not too far gone like some of the other ones

    I agree with Christine about Grandpa Jack (especially the Danny Devito comment), I really like the look of the hat, glasses, and sunglasses in #4.

    I also agree with Christina about the first design - its very recognizably 80s, and very sassy and spunky. I think the subtle change in hair silhouette (that separate shape for the bangs specifically) really pushes her character.

  5. I like 5 and 6 of Don.

    Grandpa can use some looser poses and I like 6.

    I really like how Shannon looks.
