Monday, December 10, 2012

Rough Out Floor Plan

Hey everyone, I know this isn't Kley's style but this is the most roughest way to figure out how Grandpa Jack's Victorian Duplex will look like. This is based on the duplex shape that Christina, Joelle, and Lucie and I chose today. I will revise the duplex further with better designs. However, at the moment, here is the rough floor plan of the first floor with the piano + living room, kitchen, dining and rest room. Sorry if I didn't get your floor plan suggestions Bjet. Let me know what you guys think. When you guys approve, I will go ahead and draw this floor plan out using Kley's style. At the moment, we only have a few days before we have to show our environment.  


  1. This is cool, Dang! Scale wise, it think all the furniture can be smaller, that way we can fit "stuff" into the living room. Do you think you can also create some different variations of the way the space is split up or do you want me to do it?

  2. Cool! You should do it in pencil or rough it. If you want a neat and clean look then give me the rough layout of the final part that you want it to look like then I'll gladly make it clean so that you can see the perspective clearer. I'm going to spend time working on the comps for the outer environment.

    Umm, you can change the scale of the living room but I think the kitchen is fine the way it is. If not then we have to make the piano room a bit bigger.

  3. or change the scale of the piano room. Up to you.

  4. Looks awesome to me! I'm a little confused about the side entrance. From what I can tell the floor plan doesn't match the comp. Are you going to add that in, or am I seeing it in the wrong place?

  5. Yea I'll add that in. I just need to rough the floor plan fast so Christina can start with the interior design.
