Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Revised Floor Plan and Duplex

So I've changed the floor plan and made a better one. This one has a bigger Piano room so that in the future it'll be easier to change the Piano room to a music room with more pianos. I've also change the exterior to fit the interior as well. I'm still struggling with Kley's style so I'll continue to study Kley and work on value comps for these and hopefully a color comp for Wednesday.

Don, Shannon, and Jack 2

I made Don shorter and I didn't realize how tall he was until I did so XD So I like him better this way. I made Jack taller than Shannon, and Shannon slightly smaller. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I like him shorter, because now the heights are all pretty similar and I don't wanna make Shannon too much smaller, or change her proportions because she will start to look too young.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Inspiration for Don

This is the movie I was talking about when we were trying to think of reference for the characters. I showed Christina one scene on Sunday that came to my mind when we were trying to describe how Don gets angry. The scenes are at 0:21:41 and 1:29:16. And then for when Don is a smart ass at 0:05:45. I kinda used is face as reference for Don too so this may help everyone.

For Angie

Hi Angie! Your drawings are looking nice! I think both the characters need to be aged up, but I realize you can't do that by Wednesday, haha.
 One drawing I think you could fix though is the one below: 
I think she should look more proud of herself. You can do that by arching her back in a confident way:
(sorry I couldn't post this as a comment to your post, but I couldn't post the picture that way) ^_^

Rainboy Storyboards_ACT1