I can see from the green, yellow image above that the color and lighting choice would be great for a raining scenes where everything feels wet and gloomy.
We can use this type of lighting during some of the Piano scenes.
This one for the piano scenes as well
This one is during the happier moment.
I've looked at all the artists again. I felt that Nathan Fowkes is still a strong choice for this assignment especially for the background paintings. His color and lighting design seems more fit for the rain boy story. Why? His style have soft transitions and soft edges. His color choice in Puss in Boots have this mellow feeling in it. We can use his color key on some of his night scenes. He's also the only artist I saw that worked and currently working in the Animation Industry. His design style is just simple shapes where no shapes look exactly the same so his design style is very basic. Which means we can just design how we've always design and we don't have to worry so much about learning how to stylized our design like a certain artist. We can just learn from his background paintings and use it. In Puss and Boots, he also have a lot of indoor and outdoor designs. I also love how he had strong constrasts in his values and one point lighting that really seems to fit the Rain Boy feel. I also have the book Puss In Boots on hand as well. What do you guys think?
I agree. I really like these color studies and i think Nathan Fowkes would be a great choice to look at for color and painting. Thanks Dang!