Thursday, January 24, 2013

Final Submissions

Hi everyone! Please have all work turned in on the server by 8! Same naming conventions.

Please also check out the rough reel on the blog to tailor your layout to enhance the eye trace:

thanks so much!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

rough reel

Here is the mockup of the reel, without timing. Please scrub through to make any comments on order of content, and vis dev artists examine your portions to see how you can tailor your spreads to enhance eye trace. Let us know if there's any content we left out that you believe would enhance the reel.

GUYS THE VIDEO WASN'T LOADING...... I posted it to the server BFA>16 Final UL project> Group3> Reel Mock up.

Shot Update

I put the quicktime file in the Final Urban Legends folder. Next for this shot I'm going to fix malcom's glitching shoulder and do some basic lighting and texturing. :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

WIP Shot of music shop with ISO

For Joelle

Hatch over paint example

Before lines

After lines

Rain Boy Shot

He guys! I realize not many of you have seen my shot yet, so here it is so far. I'm going to keep working on it during the week, so feel free to offer any suggestions. :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Rough Beginning Render

So I rendered it and there are still more to render but I'll put a stop to it for now to show you guys what I have. What do you think of the gestures of the character? I haven't rendered all of Grandpa Jack yet but he's having a heart attack while Don is leaving. Don't know if that's too much. Also does Don look mad or that he's leaving the scene?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Final Chars

 Hi guys. Sorry I've been gone for a week. I was pretty sick and had to go to the hospital. Still kinda sick, so sorry for any typos here on in the callouts lol

Here are the finalized chars based on the ones we liked from the thumbnails. If you guys want something changed let me know. I'm kinda behind because I got sick so I wanna get started on their renders w/ bgs asap hehe...>.<

I also did some callouts so those of you who want to put them in moment pieces have more clarity on what they are wearing until I finish the turn arounds. Also just in case the teachers think the fashion isn't 80's enough >.> lol

Oh, and I based the logo on Jack's shirt on a jazz festival in Pennsylvania that was established in the 80's:

Revised Color Comps

This is the moment when Don had his last argument with Grandpa Jack. Don stormed out the house while his Grandpa grieved that he failed to convince his Grandson. I haven't put Don and Jack in yet but Don will be in the shadow where he Cargo truck is going to be and Jack would be on the stair to the right. Don will be placed in shadows and Jack would be in the light. I looked back and really like the mood for the first one but I've done a lot more to test out colors. I want it to feel gloomy, dusk, later in the evening kind of feel where it is starting to rain.